Hello again! Here you are the second activity:
1.The teacher will give you the lyrics of a song.
2. You will have to classify as many words you can into three cathegories: nouns, adjectives and a certain verb tense (imperative in this example) using BUBBLU.US.
3. Constrast the results with your classmates.Hola una altra vegada! Aqui teniu la segona activitat
1. El profesor vos donarà la lletra d´una cançó.
2. Haureu de classificar tantes paraules com pogueu en tres categories: noms, adjectius i un temps verbal (imperatiu en aquest exemple) usant BUBBLU.US
3.Contrasta els resultats amb els teus companys.LYRICS: http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/You-Gotta-Be-lyrics-Des%27ree/CF36C6D71C64E29448256AE0001CCC01